Share your opinion! Design Review Program Survey
The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) has asked our community to share our feedback on the potential changes to Seattle’s Design Review program.
Design review changes are coming to the City of Seattle. Please tell us your thoughts by November 27:
Design Review Program community survey (Survey in English)
Responde esta encuesta (Encuesta en Español)
More info: Design review is currently required for most new larger buildings in the City of Seattle. It includes public notice with the ability for neighborhoods to comment on the appearance of new buildings. City of Seattle Staff and volunteer Design Review Boards review new buildings to make sure they meet the Design Guidelines.
Recent changes to Washington State law require us to make changes to Seattle’s Design Review program.
SEVA Workshop is asking for people’s feedback on several topics, including:
Which areas of Seattle should require Design Review for new construction
Which types of new construction should go through Design Review
When and how people can comment on new construction projects
How to update the Design Guidelines to be easier to understand
How adding incentives for new construction could improve equity
Some of the possible design review program changes could include:
Limiting projects to only one public meeting,
Streamlining the Design Review process to be quicker and less costly for applicants, and
Reducing the number of projects that are required to go through Design Review (if new construction does not require design review, then most new buildings will not include any public comment period or public notice)
SDCI’s goal is to update the Design Review program before the Washington state’s House Bill 1293 deadline of June 30, 2025.
Take the Design Review Program community survey and add your voice to help shape the future of Seattle. The survey closes November 27. Please share the survey.
Responde esta encuesta para ayudar a que el programa de revisión de diseño de Seattle sea más inclusivo, equitativo y responsable a las necesidades de la comunidad. Sus respuestas ayudarán a mejorar nuestros vecindarios y comunidades. La encuesta cierra el 27 de Noviembre. Por favor, comparte esta encuesta.
Learn more about Seattle’s Design Review Program here: Design Review - Program - SDCI |