Join MCC for an update on the Magnolia Community Center

Please join us at 7PM, March 19th for the Magnolia Community Council monthly meeting.

MCC is pleased to host speaker Rhys Harrington, Sr. Capital Project Coordinator, Seattle Parks and Recreation Department

Rhys will give the Magnolia Community Council an update on the Magnolia Community Center Stabilization Project. Joining in the discussion will be Tim Reagan, Magnolia Community Center Advisory Council and Chris Easterday, Seattle Parks Recreation Center Coordinator.

RSVP here to attend in-person

The meeting will be held at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Center, Our Lady of Fatima (3218 W Barrett St. Seattle, WA). Enter the parking lot from alley on W. Barrett Street on the west side of the Church. From the parking lot enter the building through the double glass doors on the north side of the building.

Can’t join in person? Join the Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 4003 2985

Passcode: 439812


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